The Shin Shin Tora Dojo was founded in 1995 by Tom Wakefield; a member of Bujinkan Japan, the dojo concentrates on traditional Japanese Kobudo as taught by Grand Master Masaaki Hatsumi.

The dojo is non political, curriculum based with "SEISHIN" (right spirit) as its main principal. The dojo has a comprehensive kyu grade syllabus to give students a strong foundation and teaches a variety of traditional weaponry such as Hanbo, Jo, Bo and bikenjutsu. We offer training opportunities whether for self protection, personal development, fitness or as a way of life.


The schools taught within the Bujinkan Dojo of which there are nine , stretch back a few hundred years, so you can understand an accurate history is not possible, the kata handed down were tested we are told in actual battle, life and death situations, only those which survived the test were passed down as part of the Ryu.
In modern day much has changed, we no longer wear armour or kill people to survive unless we are in the armed services, so some elements need to adapt to the new environment that we find ourselves in, people not wearing armour are much faster than those who did, more knowledge of different martial arts are available and above all the conditioning of society ill prepares us for dealing with any violent situation that we may encounter.
From its birth many centuries have passed with ninjutsu hidden in the shadows of time before it became established as an independent system of knowledge in its own right.

Over seventy ninja families grew up in the regions of Iga and Koga, each with their very own specialities and motivations which distinguished them from each other, secrecy was paramount to ensure the survival and independence of the families so it’s impossible to know an accurate history or lineage for this reason.

We concentrate on the teachings of Soke Massaki Hatsumi, promoting awareness, personal development, fitness, self defence and a way of life.