The Shin Shin Tora Dojo was founded in 1995 by Tom Wakefield; a member of Bujinkan Japan, the dojo concentrates on traditional Japanese Kobudo as taught by Grand Master Masaaki Hatsumi.

The dojo is non political, curriculum based with "SEISHIN" (right spirit) as its main principal. The dojo has a comprehensive kyu grade syllabus to give students a strong foundation and teaches a variety of traditional weaponry such as Hanbo, Jo, Bo and bikenjutsu. We offer training opportunities whether for self protection, personal development, fitness or as a way of life.


Head Instructor

Tom Wakefield was introduced to ninjutsu like many others; through Andrew Adams book "NINJA". From this he eventually became an associated member in 1981 of the Stephen Hayes organisation "The Shadows of Iga".

In October 1983 Tom attended the first UK Seminar in London under Bo F Munthe the only qualified teacher in Europe, gaining his 6th kyu in August 1984, Tom opened the first ninjutsu training group in Scotland, march 1985, Rutherglen.

Tom remained a student of Bo's gaining his shodan in Sweden in 1986 up until Bo resigned from Bujinkan.

In March, 1987 Tom travelled to Japan where he was promoted to Nidan, Shidoshi Ho by the Grand Master. Later that year Tom was tested and promoted to Sandan in London by Dr Hatsumi.

At the height of promoting the art in Scotland Tom had training centres in Larkhall, Uddingston, Pollock, Edinburgh, Dunbar and Dundee all run by very competent instructors.

Leaving Bujinkan in March 1988 to join Genbukan, one of Tom’s students, Elaine Lennon was the first person in Genbukan to be publicly tested in the UK for her blackbelt in 1989 from the original Genbukan syllabus before it was changed, Tom continued to study with Shoto Tanemura Sensei up until 1994 when he left and was allowed to return to Bujinkan through the good graces of Dr Hatsumi Soke.

Tom along with Peter Brown from the South Coast (now of Shinobi Kai) and David Gowdy of Northern Ireland, were among the first in the art of Ninjutsu to gain their coaching certification along with their students from the Martial Arts Commission.

Passing his Godan in 1995, Tom has been quietly training, researching and teaching privately for the last few years, Tom gained his Judan in late 2006.


Mark Wakefield, Yondan, has been studying since he was a child about 16 years, under a number of different instructors, though his main source of tuition has been from his father, Tom Wakefield.

Stephen Pratt, Yondan, studied on a private basis with Tom Wakefield for over 5 years every weekend.

Graeme Paterson has been studying for nearly 3 years on a private basis, holds the rank of 1st Kyu and is at present training for his Shodan.