The Shin Shin Tora Dojo was founded in 1995 by Tom Wakefield; a member of Bujinkan Japan, the dojo concentrates on traditional Japanese Kobudo as taught by Grand Master Masaaki Hatsumi.

The dojo is non political, curriculum based with "SEISHIN" (right spirit) as its main principal. The dojo has a comprehensive kyu grade syllabus to give students a strong foundation and teaches a variety of traditional weaponry such as Hanbo, Jo, Bo and bikenjutsu. We offer training opportunities whether for self protection, personal development, fitness or as a way of life.


Hatsumi Soke is the 15th Grandmaster of this school and this school is the first of the three where very little is known even amongst some of the Japanese shihan, I wish this was not so, but to my knowledge like the following two, Hatsumi Soke has only demonstrated the feeling of the school not any actual techniques, nor has the structured outline of the various levels been given so all I will say is the founder was Uryu Hangan Gikanbo and the school was founded in the 15th century.